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How Can Insulation Keep a House Cool?

Insulation is a cost-effective method of keeping your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Many homeowners worry about excessive energy costs brought on by increasing air conditioner usage as the summer months progress. However, investing in quality insulation for your home is one practical approach to stop these rising costs. Insulation not only creates a comfortable living space but also has the potential to significantly reduce summer energy costs.

Insulation in walls, floors, ceilings, and roofs creates a barrier to heat gain and loss. It is a sensible and affordable solution to keep your house cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Condensation may also be lessened, lowering the likelihood of mold and dampness.

How Can Insulation Keep a House Cool?

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    Insulation: What Is It And How Does It Function?

    Your home’s walls, ceiling, floor, and roof all have layers of insulation that control the temperature inside. It makes it simpler to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Insulation is crucial since the roof and ceiling are where the majority of heat transfer occurs.

    Insulation is simple to install while renovating or building a home. It can, however, be added retrofit to an existing home. Some of the several advantages of installing insulation in your home include:

    • It keeps your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
    • It lowers your energy consumption.
    • Reduces your heating and cooling costs.
    • Provides year-round comfort.

    How Does Insulation Keep Heat Away?

    Insulation reduces the amount of heat that can flow between the interior and exterior of your property. During the winter, you want your insulation to retain heat and keep it inside, whereas in the summer, you want it to keep hot air out and cold air in.

    To truly comprehend insulation, you must first understand the three forms of heat:

    • Conduction:  The transfer of heat through materials, such as leaving a metal ladle over a hot pot of soup or a spoon in a cup of coffee.
    • Convection: Occurs when heat moves through liquids or gases. It is the reason why warmer (lighter) air rises and cooler (heavier) air descends.
    • Radiant Heat: Travels in straight lines, warming anything solid in its path that is ready to receive the energy. The sun, as well as many heat sources in our homes (such as fireplaces and furnaces), generates this form of heat.

    When the sun’s energy strikes your roof, it radiates heat. Conduction transports heat from your roof into your attic as it warms. If it is not delayed or reduced in its passage, it might cause the air in your home to warm up due to convection. Insulation steps in at this point, functioning as a barrier to lessen the amount of heat that may enter or leave.

    How Much Does Insulation Save Me On Summer Energy Expenses?

    The amount of money insulation may save you on summer energy costs is determined by a variety of factors, including the climate, the size of your property, and the quality and kind of insulation utilized. Several studies, however, give helpful insights into the possible savings:

    • According to a survey conducted by the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA), adding insulation to a home may save homeowners in the United States an average of $200 per year.
    • According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), houses with sufficient insulation may save an average of 11% on cooling expenses.
    • According to the US Department Of Energy (DOE), air sealing and insulating one’s home may save roughly 10% on overall energy costs.

    During the summer, proper insulation is a wise investment that provides several advantages to homes. In addition to lowering energy costs, insulation also improves comfort and helps ensure a more sustainable future. While savings may vary depending on individual circumstances, research suggests that insulation reduces energy costs for homeowners.

    Insulation is a proactive step in reducing energy usage, saving money, and creating a more pleasant living environment. If you want to experience lower energy expenses and a more enjoyable atmosphere this summer, consider insulating your home.

    Need An Insulation Installer?

    Curious about insulation installation for your home or place of work? Give us a call (833) 244-7283 to have one of our professionals inspect your attic. Have any inquiries for your Rockford area home or business? You can also email or fill out our contact form to get a hold of the experts at Comfort 1st Insulation. 

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    “Insulation.” Energy.Gov, Accessed 21 July 2023.